Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
IP Profile Parameters
Address Translation Enabled: | Yes |
NAT Map List... | |
NAT Server List... | |
Local WAN IP Address: | |
Remote IP Address: | |
Remote IP Mask: | |
Filter Set... |
Remove Filter Set |
RIP Profile Options... |
■Enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which you want to tunnel.
Encryption Support
Encryption is a method for altering user data into a form that is unusable by anyone other than the intended recipient. The recipient must have the means to decrypt the data to render it usable to them. The encryption process protects the data by making it difficult for any third party to get at the original data.
Netopia PPTP is fully compatible with Microsoft
Netopia’s ATMP implementation supports Data Encryption Standard (DES) data encryption for user data transfer over the ATMP tunnel between two Netopia routers. The encryption option, none or DES, is a selectable option in the ATMP Tunnel Options screen.
MS-CHAP V2 and 128-bit strong encryption
■The Netopia 4541/4542 supports
ATMP does not have an option of using
■When you choose