Using the
Switch Startup Failure with TokenSpeed/MCP
Symptom: The startup process halts, and the module LEDs remain lit.
If the code image stored in flash memory becomes corrupted, the checksum fails during reset. You must perform an emergency image download.
To load and start the switch with the switch image provided on the Centillion Switch Images diskette, follow these steps:
1.Locate the Centillion Switch Images diskette that was shipped with your SpeedView software.
2.Connect a SpeedView station to the serial port of the TokenSpeed/MCP module, using either the direct connection or the modem connection.
This procedure is described in Using SpeedView 2.1 for Windows.
3.Verify through the command line interface (CLI) that the switch is unable to start.
a.Close SpeedView and run a terminal emulation program to access the CLI.
For more information, refer to Reference Guide for the Centillion Command Line Interface.
b.If the switch is unable to start, the screen does not display the CLI prompt. Instead, the following message is displayed:
Is there anyone out there?
4.Quit the terminal emulation program and start SpeedView.
5.Verify that the serial port is selected in the Preferences dialog box.
6.Select the Map menu, and then choose Discover.
The discovery process completes in a few seconds. A map window with no icons is displayed.
7.Select the Switch menu, and then choose Download Software.
8.Select the switch image file, and then click on Open.
The Software Download dialog box is displayed. For detailed information about this dialog box and the software download procedure, refer to Using SpeedView 2.1 for Windows.