Error Messages
Display | Problem | Solution | A |
N | Someone may have had | Check the picture in | |
A blink was detected | their eyes closed when the | playback mode. |
in the picture just | picture was taken. |
taken. |
N | Cannot edit selected | Confirm the conditions | |
Image cannot be | picture. | that are required for |
modified. |
| editing. |
| These options cannot be | – |
| used with movies. |
N | Time out error while | Choose memory card with | |
Cannot record movie. | recording movie. | faster write speed. |
N | No pictures in the internal | • Pictures stored in the | |
Memory contains no | memory or memory card. | internal memory can |
images. |
| only be viewed if no |
| memory card is inserted. |
| • To copy files from |
| internal memory to |
| memory card, press the |
| dbutton to display |
| the Copy screen, then |
| copy the files from |
| internal memory to |
| memory card. |
| No pictures are contained | Select the folder | |
| in the folder selected in | containing the sorted |
| auto sort mode. | pictures. |
| No pictures can be played | Playback pictures using | |
| back in auto sort mode. | playback mode, list by |
| date, or favorite pictures |
| mode. |
| The picture has not been | • Add the picture to | |
| added to favorites folder. | favorites folder. |
| • Choose the favorites | |
| folder that the picture |
| has been added. |
N | File not created with this | File cannot be viewed on | – |
File contains no image | camera. | this camera. View file using |
data. |
| the computer or any other |
P |
| devices which was used to |
| create or edit this file. |
| |
This file cannot be |
| |
| |
played back. |
N | The picture cannot be | – | |
All images are hidden. | played back in a slide show. |
Notes Technical