Slovensky 83

1Vypnite zariadenie a odpojte hadicu.

2Stlačením uvoľňovacieho tlačidla na vrchu rukoväte nádoby na prach (1) odomknite kryt. Otvorte vyklápací kryt (2) (Obr. 19).

3Nádobu na prach vyberte zo zariadenia (Obr. 20).

4Vyberte puzdro valcového filtra z nádoby na prach (Obr. 21).

5Rúčku na vrchu puzdra otočte proti smeru pohybu hodinových ručičiek (1) a vyberte z neho valcový filter (2). (Obr. 22)

6Valcový filter a puzdro očistite dodanou kefou. Kefou pohybujte zhora nadol pozdĺž rebier filtra (Obr. 23).

Používajte len dodanú kefu. Iné kefy by mohli valcový filter poškodiť.

7Ak sú nečistoty vo vnútri puzdra filtra, vyprázdnite ho nad odpadkovým košom.

8Ak chcete, puzdro valcového filtra môžete opláchnuť studenou vodou s prídavkom čistiaceho prostriedku.

9Ak chcete valcový filter umyť vodou, dôkladne ho poumývajte len čistou vodou. Na čistenie filtra nepoužívajte mydlo, prostriedok na umývanie riadu ani iný čistiaci prostriedok. Skôr, ako valcový filter vrátite späť do puzdra, nechajte ho úplne vyschnúť (Obr. 24).

10Valcový filter vložte späť do puzdra a rúčkou otočte v smere pohybu hodinových ručičiek, aby valcový filter zapadol do určenej polohy.

Skontrolujte, či je valcový filter bezpečne uložený v puzdre.

11Puzdro s valcovým filtrom vložte späť do nádoby na prach.

Ochranný filter motora

Permanentný ochranný filter motora očistite vždy, keď čistíte puzdro valcového filtra.

1Zo zariadenia vyberte ochranný filter motora. Od prachu ho očistite poklepaním o okraj

odpadkového koša (Obr. 25).

Ak je ochranný filter motora veľmi znečistený, môžete ho opláchnuť studenou vodou.

Na čistenie ochranného filtra motora nepoužívajte tekuté ani žiadne iné čistiace prostriedky.

2Filter pevne zasuňte späť do priehradky pre filter a dbajte na to, aby poriadne zapadol do správnej polohy.

Filter Super Clean Air, filter Super Clean Air HEPA 12 alebo filter Ultra Clean Air HEPA 13

Toto zariadenie je vybavené buď filtrom Super Clean Air, filtrom Super Clean Air HEPA 12, alebo filtrom Ultra Clean Air HEPA 13.Tieto filtre sa nachádzajú v zadnej časti zariadenia.

Poznámka: Aby bolo zaručené optimálne zachytávanie prachu a výkon vysávača, musíte filter vždy vymeniť jedine za originálny filter značky Philips správneho typu (pozrite si kapitolu „Objednávanie príslušenstva“).

Filter Super Clean Air

Úlohou filtra Super Clean Air je pomocou elektrostaticky nabitých vlákien odfiltrovať podstatnú časť menších prachových častíc z vyfukovaného vzduchu.

Filter Super Clean Air vymieňajte každých 6 mesiacov.Tento filter sa nesmie umývať.

1Zložte mriežku filtra (Obr. 26).

2Vytiahnite starý filter (Obr. 27).

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Nortel Networks FC9219 - FC9200 manual Ochranný filter motora, Filter Super Clean Air

FC9219 - FC9200 specifications

Nortel Networks FC9219 and FC9200 series are significant players in the realm of enterprise networking, designed to enhance the performance and reliability of data communication within businesses. These products belong to Nortel's extensive portfolio of networking solutions, known for their capacity to deliver high-speed connectivity while ensuring robust management capabilities.

The FC9219, while recognized for its modular design, stands as a key component in data center infrastructure. It supports a range of interfaces and protocols, making it versatile in various deployment scenarios. The switch typically operates in a Layer 2 and Layer 3 environment, providing seamless data transmission between different segments of a network. This flexibility allows organizations to tailor their network topology according to specific business needs.

On the other hand, the FC9200 series builds upon the features of the FC9219 by introducing enhanced scalability. With multiple ports available, including configurations for Gigabit Ethernet, it supports a higher density of connections which is ideal for larger enterprises or data-intensive applications. Both the FC9219 and FC9200 support advanced routing protocols, allowing for efficient data path management and redundancy, which are crucial for maintaining uptime in critical business applications.

One of the standout characteristics of these devices is their support for Quality of Service (QoS). The ability to prioritize network traffic ensures that essential applications receive the bandwidth necessary to function optimally, which is particularly important in environments where voice and video traffic are prevalent. Furthermore, the FC9219 and FC9200 series are designed with security in mind, incorporating features such as port security and access control lists, which protect the network from unauthorized access.

In terms of management, both series are compatible with Nortel's network management software, allowing IT administrators to monitor performance and troubleshoot issues easily. This integration results in reduced downtime and improved overall network health. Power over Ethernet (PoE) capabilities in some configurations provide yet another layer of convenience, enabling devices like IP cameras and phones to receive power through the data cable.

In summary, Nortel Networks' FC9219 and FC9200 switches offer a comprehensive suite of features for modern enterprise networking, combining flexibility, performance, and security. With their scalable architecture and intelligent traffic management capabilities, they are well-suited to meet the demands of dynamic business environments. These devices exemplify Nortel's commitment to delivering reliable networking solutions that enhance operational efficiency and support growth.