Selecting DAB Stations
Use the Tuning [
] buttons to select the DAB sta- tions.
If a secondary service is available, a right angle bracket (>) is displayed. Press [TUN ] to listen to the second- ary service.
While the secondary service is selected, a left angle bracket (<) is dis- played. Press [ TUN] to return to the primary service.
When you select a station that you’ve selected a lot in the past, the letter F (short for Favorite) is displayed.
If you select a station that cannot be received properly, a question mark (?) is displayed.
•You can also use the multi control to select DAB sta- tions.
•Once a DAB station has been preset, these front panel controls will select presets, in Preset mode. To use them to select DAB stations, select DAB as the input
source, and then press the Stop [] button for 3 sec- onds until “Station Mode” appears on the display.
Displaying DAB Radio Information
Press the remote controller’s [DISPLAY] button repeat- edly to display more information about the selected DAB station.
You can also use the CD receiver’s [DISPLAY] button to display this information.
1.DLS (Dynamic Label Segment)
When tuned to a station that’s broadcasting DLS text data, the text will scroll across the display.
2.Program Type
Displays the type of program.
3.Bit Rate and Audio Mode
Displays the station’s bit rate and audio mode (ste- reo, mono, or joint stereo).
4.Signal Quality
Displays the signal quality.
5.Multiplex Name
Displays the name of the current multiplex.
6.Multiplex Number and Frequency
Displays the number and frequency of the current multiplex.