Panasonic 3000 warranty Pre Installation Information, Function Smtp Server Setup POP3 Client Setup

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Pre Installation Information

Before setting up the DP-2500/3000 on your network, please read this entire section to be familiar with its functions.

The DP-2500/3000 is able to perform the following when connected to a 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet LAN (local area network):

Send paper-based information as an Internet Email.

Receive and print an Internet Email automatically.

Forward received G3 fax message or Email automatically to the preprogrammed Email address or regular G3 fax machine (see "Fax Forward" on pages 94 to 95).

Route received G3 fax message automatically to the sender-specified Email address or G3 fax machine using ITU-T SUB-Address (see "Inbound Routing" on pages 90 to 93).

Route received G3 fax messages automatically to the preprogrammed Email address or G3 fax machine using the sender’s fax ID code (see "Inbound Routing" on pages 90 to 93).

Relay an Internet Email to a G3 fax machine via regular fax transmission (see "Relay Transmission" on pages 101 to 115).

Network scanning and printing.

To utilize the above functions, the DP-2500/3000 needs to be set up properly on your network. Please contact your network administrator for actual network setup.

Copy the Pre-installation Information form found at the end of this section on page 15, record the MAC Address on the form and ask your network administrator to complete the remaining information on the form. The MAC Address of your DP-2500/3000 can be found on the 2nd page of the Fax Parameter List printout (press FUNCTION PRINT OUT 04 FAX PARAMETER LIST ).

The DP-2500/3000 can be set up as either SMTP mail server or POP3 client. Dependent on the type of setup, different functions are available as follows.


SMTP Server Setup

POP3 Client Setup




Sending paper-based information as an Internet Email






Receive and print an Internet Email automatically






Receive and print an Internet Email manually






Forward received G3 fax message or Email automatically






Route received G3 fax message automatically






Relay an Internet Email to G3 fax machine







1.To function as SMTP mail server, the DP-2500/3000’s email address must include its unique Host name within your company domain. This unique Host name must be registered within your network’s DNS (Domain Name System) server. Example:

2.Automatically refers to immediate SMTP transfer or immediate POP3 retrieval. Manually refers to manual retrieval of mail when configured as POP3 client.

3.The DP-2500/3000 will receive, print, forward or relay emails in text message format and TIFF-F image file attachment only.

4.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is not supported.


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Panasonic 3000 warranty Pre Installation Information, Function Smtp Server Setup POP3 Client Setup