O Start up the Disk Administrator following the instructions in C-2 (page 45) of Appendix C.

Disk volume-related status information check using the Disk Administrator


) Are 6 disks (excluding the CD-ROM) displayed altogether?

) Is one CD-ROM drive displayed?

) Are the names of the drives for disk 0 set to “C:” or “D:”?

) Is “NTFS” the format of disk 0 for both “C:” and “D:”?

) Is the name of the drive for disks 1 through 4 set to “O:”?

) Is the name of the drive for disk 5 set to “L:”?

) Is “RTLFS” the format of disks 1 through 5?

) Is the name of the CD-ROM drive set to “E:”?

If the checks in this section have been completed error-free, exit the Disk Administrator by following the procedure described in item C-6 of Appendix C.

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