Main menu  (continued)

Types of MARKER

„„16:9 marker

(Displayed for HD input and SD input with 16:9 aspect ratio.) The marker is only displayed as a vertical bar. In addition, the section becomes the “MARKER BACK” item.

„„4:3 marker

(Displayed for SD input in 4:3 aspect ratio mode) This marker is displayed as a dotted line.










4:3 marker

13:9 marker



















14:9 marker

VISTA marker, 2:1 marker, CNSCO marker

A horizontal dotted line is displayed as the marker.

95 % Area marker

90 % Area marker

80 % Area marker

93 % Area marker

88 % Area marker








VISTA marker

2:1 marker















(Displayed for HD input and SD input in 16:9 ratio mode.) This marker is displayed as a dotted line.

CNSCO marker (2.35/2.39)

The vertical dotted lines are also displayed as the marker when “UNDER” is selected under “SCAN” in the “VIDEO CONFIG” menu.

























































































VISTA marker

2:1 marker























95 % Area marker

90 % Area marker

80 % Area marker

93 % Area marker

TYPE1 Vertical 89 %

Horizontal 88 %

TYPE2 Vertical/Horizontal 88 %

88 % Area marker

80 %

Area marker

100 %

Area marker

USER Area marker *1 VAR area marker*2

CNSCO marker (2.35/2.39)

Area marker

A dotted line is displayed as the marker.

The following markers can be displayed simultaneously with the 16:9 marker.

Simultaneous display example

The section becomes the “MARKER BACK”.

It controls the background of the marker selected with a 16:9 ratio.

95 % Area marker

90 % Area marker

80 % Area marker

TYPE1 Vertical 93.1 %

Horizontal 93 %

TYPE2 Vertical/Horizontal 93 %

93 % Area marker

TYPE1 Vertical 89.5 %

Horizontal 88 %

TYPE2 Vertical/Horizontal 88 %

88 % Area marker

80 %

100 % Area marker

Area marker

USER Area marker *1 VAR area marker*2

4:3 marker

16:9 marker

„„Center marker

„„Cross marker

16:9 marker: 95 % area marker

4:3 marker: 80 % area marker

Center marker

This marker is displayed at the center of the image.

Cross marker

Use the rotary knob to move.

(The cross marker is half the length of the center marker and twice the width)

*1 Use the rotary knob to set 80 to 100 % in 1 % increments.

*2 Use the rotary knob to set 80 to 100 % in 1 % increments separately for vertical and horizontal.