AdHoc Mode Configuration
12.Click [Finish] to exit out the profile setting. Please make sure to exit out of the network adapter configuration utility so the settings take effect immediately.
This screen is a sample.
IInput the IP Address:
13.Windows 2000
Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Network] -
Please select the [Local Area Connection x] of the wireless network card that will be used with the Wireless Display.
14.Select "Specify IP Address", and enter the IP Address and Subnet Mask as shown on the Wireless Display. [
15.Click [OK] - [OK] - [Close]. Please make sure to exit out of the "Local Area Connection x" window so that settings take effect immedi- ately.
This screen is a sample.
16.Windows XP
Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Network Connections]. Right click on [Wireless Netwoking Connection X] and then select [ Properties]. The window as shown on next page is displayed.
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