Panasonic VQT4H13, DMCG5KK, F0612MC0 owner manual 107, Auto White Balance

Models: DMCG5KK F0612MC0 VQT4H13

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Under fluorescent lighting, LED lighting fixture etc., the appropriate White Balance will vary

depending on the lighting type, so use [AWB] or [ 1 ], [ 2 ].

The White Balance is only calculated for subjects within the range of the camera’s flash.

The set White Balance is maintained even after this unit is turned off, but when the White Balance is changed in a different Scene Guide Mode, [White Balance] for the Scene Guide Mode that was set will return to [AWB].

In the Scene Guide Modes listed below, White Balance is fixed to [AWB].

[Backlit Softness]/[Relaxing Tone]/[Distinct Scenery]/[Bright Blue Sky]/[Romantic Sunset Glow]/ [Vivid Sunset Glow]/[Glistening Water]/[Clear Nightscape]/[Cool Night Sky]/[Warm Glowing Nightscape]/[Artistic Nightscape]/[Glittering Illuminations]/[Clear Night Portrait]/[Appetizing Food]/ [Cute Dessert]

When [Direct Focus Area] (P100) is set to [ON], the operations on the cursor buttons translate to movements of the AF area. Set using the Quick Menu (P68).

Auto White Balance

Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictures are taken, the pictures may take on a reddish or bluish tinge. Furthermore, when a multiple number of light sources are being used or there is nothing with a color close to white, Auto White Balance may not function properly. In a case like this, set the White Balance to a mode other than [AWB].

1 Auto White Balance will work within this range.

2 Blue sky 3 Cloudy sky (Rain) 4 Shade 5 Sunlight

6 White fluorescent light 7 Incandescent light bulb

8 Sunrise and sunset 9 Candlelight KlKelvin color Temperature

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Panasonic VQT4H13, DMCG5KK, F0612MC0 owner manual 107, Auto White Balance