Panasonic F0612MC0, DMCG5KK 118, Shutter-Priority AE Mode, Shutter speed Slow, Shutter speed Fast

Models: DMCG5KK F0612MC0 VQT4H13

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Shutter-Priority AE Mode

When you want to take a sharp picture of a fast moving subject, set with a faster shutter speed. When you want to create a trail effect, set to a slower shutter speed.



Set the mode dial to [ ].

Rotate the rear dial to set the shutter speed.

Shutter speed:


It becomes easier to express movement.















AShutter speed B Exposure meter

Shutter speed:


It becomes easier to freeze movement.

It will switch between shutter speed setting operation and Exposure Compensation operation every time the rear dial is pressed.

The effects of the set shutter speed will not be visible on the recording screen. To check on the recording screen, please use [Preview]. (P115)


The brightness of the screen and the recorded pictures may differ. Check the pictures on the playback screen.

Rotate the rear dial to display the [Expo.Meter]. Unsuitable areas of the range are displayed in red.

If the exposure is not adequate, the aperture value and the shutter speed turn red and blink when the shutter button is pressed halfway.

Display of the shutter speed will count down when the shutter speed is set slow and the shutter button is pressed all the way.

We recommend using a tripod when the shutter speed is slow.

When the flash is activated, the fastest shutter speed that can be selected is 1/160th of a second. (P87)

The shutter speed slower than 1 second is not available when [Electronic Shutter] is set to [ON].

The [Sensitivity] is automatically set to [AUTO] when you switch the Recording Mode to Shutter-Priority AE Mode while the [Sensitivity] is set to [] (Intelligent).

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Panasonic F0612MC0, DMCG5KK, VQT4H13 owner manual 118, Shutter-Priority AE Mode, Shutter speed Slow, Shutter speed Fast