Using Pre-defined Messages
Pre-definedmessages can be sent immediately or they can be used
asa basis for a longer message and edited accordingly.
1FromIdle mode press B33toenter the Create menu
2Useeto point to the pre-defined message you want to use and
3Usegto navigate through the message and add any extra text
–see “Text Entry” page 43
Whencomplete the message can be sent - see “Sending a Text
Message”page 24.

Changing the Pre-defined Message Language

Withthe pre-defined message highlighted:
1Usefto select Lang in the main option area and press B
2Useeto select a language and press B
4Selectis displayed in the main option area, pressBtwice to
sendthe message
Manage Messages Lists
Allmessages, whether sent or received, are stored on the SIM until
theyare deleted. Selecting a stored message allows it to be replied
to,edited or deleted.

Receive List

Messagesreceived are stored in the Receive List. A blinking “•”
indicatesan unread message.
Whenreading a message, the sender’s information (if available) is
displayedbelow the text indicating the time the message was sent
andthe message centre number. Press Bto reply to the message.
ShortText Messages