Caller ID
Problem Cause/solution
Caller information is not
RYou must subscribe to a Caller ID service. Contact your service
provider/telephone company for details.
RIf your unit is connected to any additional telephone equipment,
remove and plug the unit directly into the wall jack.
RIf you use a DSL/ADSL service, we recommend connecting a
DSL/ADSL filter between the base unit and the telephone line
jack. Contact your DSL/ADSL provider for details.
ROther telephone equipment may be interfering with this unit.
Disconnect the other equipment and try again.
Caller information is slow
to display.
RDepending on your service provider/telephone company, the
unit may display the caller’s information at the 2nd ring or later.
Set the first ring to Off (page 25).
RMove closer to the base unit.
Time on the unit has
RIncorrect time information from incoming Caller ID changes the
time. Set the time adjustment to Manual (off) (page 27).
SMS (Short Message Service)
Problem Cause/solution
The SMS message
centre number is logged
in the caller list and the
message is not received.
RSomeone tried to send you a message while SMS is turned off.
Turn it on (page 36).
I cannot send or receive
SMS messages.
RYou have not subscribed to the appropriate service. Contact
your service provider/telephone company.
RThe SMS message centre number(s) are not stored or are
incorrect. Store the correct numbers (page 36).
RMessage transmission was interrupted. Wait until the message
has been sent before using other telephone functions.
RIf you use a DSL/ADSL service, we recommend connecting a
DSL/ADSL filter between the base unit and the telephone line
jack. Contact your DSL/ADSL provider for details.
FD is displayed. RThe unit could not connect to the SMS message centre.
Confirm that the correct SMS message centre numbers are
stored. Confirm that SMS is turned on (page 36).
FE is displayed. RAn error occurred while sending the message. Try again.
E0 is displayed. RYour phone number is permanently withheld or you have not
subscribed to the appropriate service. Contact your service
provider/telephone company.
Useful Information
TG7851_61FX(en)_0215_ver011.pdf 51 2013/02/15 18:28:14