Special instructions for programmable settings

Block calls (Caller ID

subscribers only)

This feature allows the unit to reject calls
from specified phone numbers that you
do not want to answer such as junk calls.
You can store up to 20 phone numbers in
the block call list by using the caller list or
by entering the numbers directly.
When a call is received, the unit rings for
a short time while identifying the caller. If
the phone number matches an entry in
the block call list, the unit sends out a
busy tone to the caller, then disconnects
the call.
LYou must store the phone number
with an area code in the block call list.
LWhen the unit receives a call from a
number that is stored in the block call
– after the unit rings for a short time,
Caller blocked will be
displayed and the number will not
be displayed.
– when the call is disconnected, the
number is logged in the caller list
(page 26) with #.
Storing unwanted callers from the
caller list
1{View CID}
2{V}/{^}: Select the item to be
blocked. i {Select}
LTo edit the number, press {Edit},
then edit the number (see step 3,
“Editing a caller’s phone number
before calling back”, page 26).
4{V}/{^}: Block calls i
5{Yes} i {OFF}
Storing unwanted callers by entering
phone numbers
1{MENU} i {#}{2}{1}{7} i
2Enter the phone number (32 digits
LTo erase a digit, press {Clear}.
3{Save} i {OFF}
Viewing/editing/erasing block call
1{MENU} i {#}{2}{1}{7}
2{V}/{^}: Select the desired item.
LTo exit, press {OFF}.
3Proceed with the desired operation.
Editing a number:
{Edit} i Edit the phone
number. i {Save} i {OFF}
Erasing a number:
{Erase} i {Yes} i {OFF}
LWhen editing, press the desired dial
key to add, {Clear} to erase.

Night mode

Night mode allows you to select a span
of time during which the handset will not
ring for outside calls. This feature is
useful for instances when you do not
want to be disturbed, for example, while
sleeping. Night mode can be set for each
LSet the date and time beforehand
(page 12).
TG9361BX(e) Page 22 Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:08 PM