Powering ON/OFF

Enter a PIN code

Press ▲▼ to enter a number. Press ► to fix the number and move the red frame pointer to the next box. The number changes to . If you fixed an incorrect number, use the ◄ button to move the pointer to the number you want to correct, and then enter the correct number.

Repeat this step to complete entering a four-digit number.

After entering the four-digit number, move the pointer to “Set”. Press the <SELECT> button so that you can start to operate the projector.

If you entered an incorrect PIN code, PIN code and the number () will turn red for a moment. Enter the correct PIN code all over again.

PIN Code Input Dialog Box

After the OK icon disappears, you can operate the projector.


zzIf the PIN code number is not entered or wrong PIN code number is entered within three minutes after the PIN code dialog box appeared, the projector will be turned off automatically.

zzThe “1234” is set as the initial PIN code at the factory.

PIN code Protection

While the projector is locked with the PIN code.

Put the label below (supplied) on in a prominent place of the projector's body while it is locked with a PIN code.

Basic Operation