Pantech GF200 manual Inserting a Space, Scrolling, Clearing Letters and Words, Using T9 Mode

Models: GF200

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Inserting a Space

To insert a space between words, press the [ ] key.

Or, at the end of line, press the [ ] key to add a new space character.


To move the cursor to the left or right within the text, press

the [ / ] key. And also, to move the cursor to the up

or down among the lines, press the [ / ] key.


By pressing the [ / ] key, the cursor could be moved very quickly to the beginning or the end of the text.

Clearing Letters and Words

[ ] Press long

[ ] Press short

[ ] Press long

[ ] Press short

[ ] Press long

Shows symbol screen.

Enters a space Character

Changes the text input mode

Deletes characters one by one. Returns to previous screen after deleting all characters.

Deletes all characters and moves the cursor to the beginning of the input screen.

To clear the letter to the left of the cursor, press the [ ] key.

You can clear all of the letters on the display by pressing the

[ ] key longer.

Returning to the Previous Screen

When the text input field is empty, press the [ ] key to return to the previous screen.


To change the text input mode quickly


Using T9 Mode

In the T9 alphabet Editor, each word is composed completely as you input the text.

1Press the keys numbered [ ] to [ ] to input texts. For

example, press [





] in sequence to

input ‘hello’.






The word you are typing appears on the display. It may change with each key you press.


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Pantech GF200 Inserting a Space, Scrolling, Clearing Letters and Words, Returning to the Previous Screen, Using T9 Mode