Pantech GF200 manual Message Alert, Key Tone, Flip Open Tone, Sound Effect, Profile Name, Reset

Models: GF200

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Message Alert

Select ‘Menu>5.Profiles>2.Message Alert’ and press the

[ ] key, or press the [ ] key and [Edit] Soft key in standby mode and select ‘2.Message Alert’.

You can select the preferred alert melody, its volume and reminder period when you have new messages.

Reminder: Use the [Left/Right] key to select one out of Off, Once, Every 2 Mins, Every 5 Mins.

Sound: Use the [ / ] key to set Message Alert Tone to Bell1, Bell2, Bell3.

Key Tone

You can select the keypad sound to be used for dialing or in the menu screen.

Select ‘Menu>5.Profiles>3.Key Tone’ and press the [ ]

key, or press the [ ] key and [Edit] Soft key in standby mode and select ‘3.Key Tone’.

Tone Type: You may turn the key tone on or off.

Ring Volume: Controls the volume in 7 levels.

Sound: Selects a key tone.

Flip Open Tone

You can select a sound effect when you open or close the folder.

Select ‘Menu>5.Profiles> 4.Flip Open Tone’ and press the

[ ] key, or press the [ ] key and [Edit] Soft key in the standby mode and select ‘4. Flip Open Tone’.

Tone Type: Turns the key tone on or off.

Ring Volume: Controls the volume by 7 levels.

Sound: Sets Bell1, Bell2, and Bell3 to Flip Open/Close Tone.

Sound Effect

Turns the default sound effect on or off.

Select ‘Menu>5.Profiles> 5.Sound Effect’ and press the

[ ] key, or press the [ ] key and [Edit] Soft key in the standby mode and select ‘5.Sound Effect ’.

Menu Moving: When you change a menu with the Navigation key.

Power On & Off: When you turn the power on or off.

Option Popup: When you press the [

] key to see a popup



Call Connection: When you dial or hang up.

WAP Connection: When you connect or terminate WAP

Hour Alert: A sound effect every hour while your phone is in standby mode

Minute Minder: A sound effect every minute while making a phone call.

Popup Alert: A warning, error, information or question sound effect.

Profile Name

Select a profile name menu from the Profile Sound editing screen to rename it manually.


Select the Reset menu from the Profile Sound editing screen and press [Yes] Soft key to initialize all the sound related values in the profile.



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Pantech GF200 manual Message Alert, Key Tone, Flip Open Tone, Sound Effect, Profile Name, Reset