C o m m o n E r r o r s
This section lists the most common errors you may see. Call Technical Support if you receive any error not listed here.
Error Description/Action
025 String length is outside the range 0 to 2710.
101 The format referenced by batch is not in memory.
409The printer memory is full. Delete unnecessary formats or graphics from memory.
410Parity mismatch.
411Framing error (baud rate mismatch).
412Flow control mismatch.
413Online receive queue is full. Check for a flow control problem.
611Font, bar code, or density in the batch does not exist.
612The data in this line of the batch is either missing or does not match the format.
613Reference point off supply.
614Portion of field off supply or there may be an invalid character in the packet.
703The printer sensed a calibration of
704Printer has not sensed a supply mark within the specified number of inches or out of supplies. Check the supply tracking, supply marks, black mark sensor position, and supply roll for binding. Press CANCEL. Change supply.
750 Printhead is overheated. Turn off the printer.