Paxar TC6037PR manual 18Defining Fields

Models: TC6037PR

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C13. sym set Symbol set. Use 0 for the Internal Symbol Set. For scalable fonts, use:

1ANSI Symbol Set



102Unicode (user input) for particular mapping

103BIG5 (user input) for Unicode mapping

104GB2312 (user input) for Unicode mapping

105SJIS (user input) for Unicode mapping Code Page 932 (Japanese Shift-JIS)

106GB2312 (user input) for GB2312 mapping Code Page 936 (Simplified Chinese)

107BIG5 (user input) for BIG5 mapping Code Page 950 (Traditional Chinese)

437DOS Code Page 437 (Domestic)

850DOS Code Page 850 (International)

852DOS Code Page 852 (Latin 2)

855DOS Code Page 855 (Russian)

857DOS Code Page 857 (IBM Turkish)

860DOS Code Page 860 (MS-DOS Portuguese)

1250 Code Page 1250 (Latin 2)

1251 Code Page 1251 (Cyrillic)

1252 Code Page 1252 (Latin 1)

1253 Code Page 1253 (Greek)

1254 Code Page 1254 (Turkish)

1255 Code Page 1255 (Hebrew)

1256 Code Page 1256 (Arabic)

1257 Code Page 1257 (Baltic)

1258 Code Page 1258 (Vietnam)

The CG Triumvirate™ typefaces support only the ANSI and DOS Code Page 437 and 850 Symbol Sets. The scalable font (font#50) does not support Code Page 1256 (Arabic). Code pages 852-860 and 1250-1258 are for downloaded TrueType fonts or the scalable font. Code pages 102-107 require the print engine memory expansion option and a downloaded International TrueType font. TrueType fonts are designed to be regionally specific; therefore, all code pages may not be supported in a given font. See Appendix C, “Symbol Sets/ Code Pages” for more information.

Note: Only the 6032 printer supports printing International fonts.

Example C,100,80,0,1,1,1,B,L,0,0,"MADE IN USA",0 p

Defines a constant text field starting at row 100, column 80. It does not have any additional inter-character gap. The Standard font is used without any additional magnification. The printing is black on white and left justified. No field or character rotation is used. “MADE IN USA” is printed in this field. The internal symbol set is used.

2-18Defining Fields

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Paxar TC6037PR manual 18Defining Fields