Appendix 2: AT Command Set
Perle 833IS User Guide 255
\Nn - Operating
Mode This command controls the preferred error correcting mode to be negotiated in a
subsequent data connection.
\N0 Selects normal speed buffered mode (disables error-correction mode).
\N1 Same as \N0.
\N2 Selects reliable (error-correction) mode. The modem will first attempt a
LAPM connection and then an MNP connection. Failure to make a
reliable connection results in the modem hanging up.
\N3 Selects auto reliable mode. This operates the same as \N2 except failure
to make a reliable connection results in the modem falling back to the
speed buffered normal mode.
\N4 Selects LAPM error-correction mode. Failure to make an LAPM error-
correction connection results in the modem hanging up. Note: The -K1
command can override the \N4 command.
\N5 Selects MNP error-correction mode. Failure to make an MNP error-
correction connection results in the modem hanging up.
Result Codes:
OK n = 0 to 5.
ERROR Otherwise.
AT+ Co mma nds
+MS - Select
Modulation This extended-format command selects the modulation, optionally enables or
disables automode, and optionally specifies the lowest and highest connection rates
using one to three subparameters.
+MS= <od> [,[<automode>][,[<min_rate>][,[<max_rate>][,[ ]]]]]<CR>
Subparameters not entered (enter a comma only or <CR> to skip the last
subparameter) remain at their current values.