While the dictations are being sent you will receive extensive information about the transmission status.
For example, sending dictation (3/10) – The third of altogether 10 dictations is being sent
The following line contains information about the transm ission status of the current dictation.
For example, 3/10/2 m eans the following:
3 – The third dictation is currently being sent
10 – The tenth data package of the third dictation is currently being sent
2 – The first attempt to send the dictation was not successful and therefore the system is trying to send it again (here for the second time)
Whenever a problem occurs during the transm ission of a dictation, the window will be red. Transmission problems might, for example, occur on a train or if the BlackBerry® device needs too much time to connect to the Internet. As Philips Recorder normally tries to resolve connection problems automatically, this is just a hint.
If the Transmission is marked as Transfer finished successfully, the dictation has been sent.