ProntoProEdit NG
If you want to personalize your ProntoPro NG even more beyond its standard programming features, ProntoProEdit NG is the tool for you to use. ProntoProEdit NG is ProntoPro NG’s companion software that you find on the included
To learn how to work properly with ProntoProEdit NG, consult its online help system accessible via the Help menu or by pressing F1.
With ProntoProEdit NG you can:
■Upload and download new configurations to and from your ProntoPro NG. You do this with the PC cable included with your ProntoPro NG:
1Plug one end of the cable in the USB port on your computer.
2Plug the other end of the cable in the USB port on ProntoPro NG.
USB port
■Add, delete, modify and move control panels, devices and commands anywhere on the touch screen;
■Save, duplicate and share configuration files, codes or devices with other ProntoPro NG users;
■Import new graphics to create new buttons and designs;
■Use .PNG graphic files that support transparency. You can now place buttons with a transparent background on top of a background image, let transparent buttons overlap or create transparency effects within buttons. You can use the color in the upper left corner of the bitmap as transparency color.
■Personalize configuration files to optimize the use of your ProntoPro NG;
■Copy, Paste and Edit plain IR codes that you can exchange with other ProntoPro NG users;
■Preview new configuration files on ProntoProEdit NG Simulator, to check what ProntoPro NG’s interface will look like;
■Create and edit macros. In ProntoProEdit NG you have access to the more advanced features for macros.
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