Recording without automatic switch-off
aPuta cassette into the machine.
bUsethe P;or P=buttonto select the programme
numberyou want to record from.
DIfyou are using ’Direct record’, select the programme
numberon the TV set. Then, with the video recorder
switchedon, press the nRECORD/OTR button.
DIfa TV channel transmits a channel name, it will show on
thevideo recorder display.
DProgrammenumbers ’E1’ and ’E2’ are for recording from
othersources (through scart sockets AV1EXT1 and
AV2EXT2 ). Programme number ’E3’ is for recording from
thefront sockets VIDEO and L-AUDIO-R .
DProgrammenumbers ’AUX’ and ’MIC’ are for audio
recordings(through sockets AUXINL R )and the
microphonesocket ’ MIC. ’.
cPressthe nRECORD/OTR button.
dStoprecording with the STOPhbutton.
Recording with automatic switch-off
(OTR one-touch recording)
aPuta cassette into the machine.
bUsethe P;or P=buttonto select the programme
numberyou want to record.
cPressthe nRECORD/OTR button.
dPressthe nRECORD/OTR buttonagain and again until the
displayon the video recorder shows the end time or
lengthof the recording you want.
DTocancel this programme, press the CLEAR(CL) button.
Protecting your recordings
Sothat you don’t accidentally delete animportant recording,
removethe special tab on the narrow side of the cassette with
ascrewdriver or slide the special tab to the left. Later, if you
nolonger want to protect the recording, you can seal the gap
againwith sticky tape or slide the special tab to the right.
Youcan use this function to joinindividual recordings without
anymajor picture disturbance between them.
aWhilethe cassette is playing, search for the correct
positionon the tape.
bStopthe cassette by pressing the STOPhbutton.
’PAUSE’will appear on the TV screen.
cNowstart recording as usual by pressing the
nRECORD/OTR button.
Choosing the recording speed (SP or LP)
Youcan reduce the recording speed by half. This makes it
possibleto record, for example, eight-hours instead of
four-hourson an ’E240’ (four-hour) cassette.
aSwitchon the TV set and select the programme number
forthe video recorder.
bPressthe MENUbutton. The main menu willappear.
cSelectthe line ’RECORD FUNCTIONS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the
dSelectthe line ’RECORD SETTINGS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the
eSelectthe line ’RECORD SPEED’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;.
fSelectthe recording speed you want with the menu
buttons Qor P.
D’LP’(longplay) gives half the normal recording speed
(doublethe recording time).
’SP’(standardplay) gives the normal recording speed.
DThepicture quality may suffer when you record at half
DWhenyou play back your recording, the machine will
automaticallyselect the correct speed.
gConfirmwith the OK button.
3. Manual recording10