Fig. 28

Flue Trim


Fig. 29

Fig. 31

Fig. 32

































Plume Displacement







































































































































































General Fitting Notes



























































1. Cut a hole in the external wall which the concentric flue































assembly will pass through. The hole should allow the flue































to fall back to the boiler at an angle of at least 1.5°.































2. When completed the terminal must be at least 2 metres























































































above ground level (Fig. 19).































3. Measure and cut to size the concentric assembly and any





























































extensions that are being used.


































Min. 2















































4. Insert the concentric assembly through the hole from



























































outside the building.































5. If required, the flexible flue trim should be fitted prior to































this as it cannot be fitted after. Use the large ‘Jubilee’ clip to































secure the trim to the flue (See Fig. 20, trim shown































dotted), with the screw part of the clip at the bottom.



























































6. Connect any extensions or elbows that are being used































to the concentric assembly. Engage the extension, elbow































or concentric assembly in the boiler flue elbow. Fit the































boiler flue elbow to the boiler adaptor.































7. Ensure that the concentric assembly and any extensions































fall back to the boiler at an angle of at least 1.5° and that





























































the external air inlet is to the bottom.































8. Use suitable brackets to support the concentric





























































assembly and any extensions, and make good inside and
































































9. The 60Ø exhaust can now be fitted. Slide the adaptor






















































Position of ‘Jubilee’ Clip



over the plain end of the 60Ø exhaust (Fig. 22) and engage


























the exhaust in the terminal. Slide the adaptor down over




















































the spigot. Mark and drill the adaptor, using a 2mm bit, as


















































shown in Fig. 21. Secure the adaptor to the spigot using































one of the screws supplied.





























































10. If it is necessary to shorten the 60Ø exhaust or any of































the extensions, the excess material must be cut from the























































plain end of the pipe.


























11. Determine the position of the 60Ø exhaust and mark























































































































on the wall a suitable position for the support bracket. If





























































extensions are being used, a support bracket is supplied in































each kit.





























































































12. Drill the wall, and fit the bracket(s) using the plug and





















































































































































screw provided.


























Fig. 30



























































13. Mark and drill the 60Ø exhaust, using a 2mm bit, as































shown in Fig. 23. Complete the installation of the 60Ø






















exhaust, securing in the brackets.







































14. Fit the 93° elbow/plume outlet and secure with the
























































































two remaining screws supplied. Ensure the plume outlet is































at least 45° to the wall and that the ‘peak’ is uppermost































(Fig. 24).





































































































28© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012

Fig. 33

Page 28
Image 28
Potthof & Co 33kw, 24kw, 28kw manual 50mm, General Fitting Notes, 30mm