Chapter 10: Configuring Security
Static WEP
104 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual Rules To Remember For Static WEP• All cl ient stations must have the Wireless LAN (WLAN) security set to
WEP and all clients must have one of the WEP keys specified on the AP in
order to de-code AP-to-station data transmissions.
WEP Keys
You can specify up to four WEP keys. In ea ch text b ox, e nter a string of ch arac ters for each ke y.
If you selected “ASCII”, enter any combination of integers and letters
, and
. If
you selected “HEX”, enter hexadecimal digits (any combination of
Use the same number of characters for each key as specified in the “Characters Required” field.
These are the RC4 WEP keys shared with the stations using the access point.
Each client station must be configured to use one of these same WEP keys in the same slot as
specified here on the AP. (See “Rules To Re mem ber For Static W EP ” on page104.)
The authentication algorithm defines the method used to determine whe ther a client s tation is
allowed to associate with an access point when static WEP is the securit y mode. Specify the authen-
tication algorithm you want to use by choosing one of the following from the drop-down menu:
• Open System.
•Shared Key.
Open System
authentication allows any client station to associate with the access point
whether that client station has the correct WEP key or not. This is algorithm is also used in plain-
text, IEEE 802.1x, and WPA modes. When the authentication algorithm is set to “Open System”,
any client can associate with the access point.
Note that just because a client station is allowed to associate does not ensure it can exchange
traffic with an access point. A station must have the correct WEP key to be able to successful ly
access and decrypt data from an access point, and to transmit readable data to the access poi nt.
Shared Key
authentication requires the client station to have the correct WEP key in order to
associate with the access point. When the authentication algorithm is set to “Shared Key”, a sta-
tion with an incorrect WEP key will not be able to associate with the access point.
is the default. When the authentication algorithm is set to “Both”:
• Client stations configured to use WEP in shared key mode must have a valid WEP
key in order to associate with the access point.
• Client stations configured to use WEP as an open system (shared key mode not
enabled) will be able to associate with the access point even if they do not have the
correct WEP key.
Field Description