Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 121
Chapter 11: Maintenance And Monitoring
Log Relay Host For Kernel Messages
This page lists the most recent events generated by this access point (see “Events
Log” on page124).
This page also gives you the option of enabling a remote “log relay host” to capture
all system events and errors in a Kernel Log. (This requires setting up a remote relay
host first. See “Log Relay Host For Kernel Messages” on page121).
Note: The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway acquires its date and time information
using the network time protocol (NTP). This data is reported in UTC for-
mat (also known as Greenwich Mean Time). You need to convert the
reported time to your local time.
For information on setting the network time protocol, see Chapter 23:
“Network Time Protocol Server”.
11.2.1 Log Relay Host For Kernel Messages• “Understand ing Remot e Loggi ng” on page121.
• “Setting Up Th e Log Rel ay Host ” on p age122.
• “Enabling Or Disabling The Log Relay Host On The Status, Events Page”
on page 123. Understanding Remote Logging
The Kernel Log is a comprehensive list of system events (shown in the System Log)
and kernel messages, such as error conditions like dropping frames.
You cannot view Kernel Log messages directly from the Administration W eb UI for
an access point. You must first set up a remote server runni ng a s ysl og pro cess and
acting as a syslog “log relay host” on your network. Then, you can configure the
9160 G2 Wireless Gateway to send its syslog messages to the remote server.
Using a remote server to collect access point syslog messages affords you several
benefits. You can:
• Aggregate sy slog messages from multiple access points.
• Store a longer history of messages than kept on a single access point.
• Trigger scripted management operations and alerts.