Appendix E: Glossary
E-4 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Transmit Power Control (TPC) and Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). DFS
detects other APs on the same frequency and redirects these to anoth er channel. TCP
reduces the network frequency output power of the AP, thus reducing the chance of
any interference. This is a required standard in Europe, Japan, and the U.S.
802.11iIEEE 802.11i is a comprehensive IEEE standard for security in a wireless local area
network (WLAN) that describes Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2). It defines
enhancements to the MAC Layer to counter the some of the weaknesses of WEP. It
incorporates stronger encryption techniques than the original Wi-Fi Protected
Access (WPA), such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
The original WPA, which can be considered a subset of 802.11i, uses Temporal Key
Integrity Protocol (TKIP) for encryption. WPA2 is backwards-com pat ibl e wi th
products that support the original WPA
IEEE 802.11i / WPA2 was finalized and ratified in June of 2004.
802.11jEEE 802.11j standardizes chipsets that can use both the 4.9 and 5 GHz radio bands
according to rules specified by the Japanese government to open both bands to
indoor, outdoor and mobile wireless LAN applications. The regulations require
companies to adjust the width of those channels. IEEE 802.11j allows wireless
devices to reach some previously unavailable channels by taking advantage of new
frequencies and operating modes. This is partially an attempt to mitigate the
crowding on the airwaves, and has tangential relationships to IEEE 802.11h.
802.11kIEEE 802.11k is a developing IEEE standard for wireless networks (WLANs) that
helps auto-manage network Channel selection, client Roaming, and Access Point
(AP) utilization. 802.11k capable networks will automatically load balance networ k
traffic across APs to improve network performance and prevent under or over-
utilization of any one AP. 802.11k will event uall y compl ement the 802.11e quality
of service (QoS) standard by ensuring QoS for multimedi a over a wireless link.