Chapter 12: The Ethernet (Wired) Interface
Setting The DNS Name
134 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
12.1.1 Setting The DNS Name12.1.2 Enabling Or Disabling Guest AccessYou can provide controlled guest access over an isol ated net work and a s ecur e inter -
nal LAN on the same 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway. Configuring An Internal LAN And A Guest Network
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a communications network covering a limited area,
for example, one floor of a building. A LAN connects multiple computers and other
network devices like storage and printers.
Ethernet is the most common technology implementing a LAN. Wi-Fi (IEEE) is
another very popular LAN technology.
The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway allows you to configure two different LANs on th e
same access point: one for a secure internal LAN and another for a public guest
network with no security and little or no access to internal resources. To configure
these networks, you need to provide both Wireless and Ethernet (Wired) set tings.
Information on how to configure the Ethernet (Wired) settings is provided in the
sections below.
(For information on how to configure the Wireless settings, see Chapter 13: “Setting
the Wireless Interface”. For an overview of how to set up the Guest interface, see
Chapter 14: “Setting up Guest Access”.)
Field Description
DNS Name
Enter the DNS name for the access point in the text box.
This is the host name. It may be provided by your ISP or network administrator, or you can provide your own.
The rules for system names are:
• This name can be up to 20 characters long.
• Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
• The name must start with a letter and end with either a letter or a number.