Chapter 12: The Ethernet (Wired) Interface
Enabling / Disabling Virtual Wireless Networks On The AP
136 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
12.1.3 Enabling / Disabling Virtual Wireless Networks On The APIf you want to configure the Internal network as a VLAN (whether or not you have a
Guest network configured), you can enable “Virtual Wireles s Networ ks” o n the
access point.
You must enable this feature if you want to con figure addi tional virt ual ne tworks on
VLANs on the Advanced > Virtual Wireles s Networ ks t ab as des cri bed i n “Conf ig-
uring VLANs” on page 157.
12.1.4 Configuring LAN Or Internal Interface Ethernet SettingsTo configure Ethernet (wired) settings for the Internal LAN, fill in the fields as
described in Table12.4.
Field Description
Virtual Wireless Networks
(Using VLANs on
Ethernet Port 1)
•Select Enabled to enable VLANs for the Internal network
and for additional networks. (If you choose this option, you
can run the Internal network on a VLAN whether or not you
have Guest Access configured and you can set up
additional networks on VLANs using the Advanced > Virtual
Wireless Networks tab as described in “Configuring VLA Ns”
on page 157.)
•Select Disabled to disable the VLAN for the Internal network,
and for any additional virtual networks on this access point.
Field Description
MAC Address
Shows the
address for the Internal interface for the Ethernet port on this access point. This
is a read-only field that you cannot change.
If you choose to configure Internal and Guest networks by “VLANs”, this field will be
Provide a number between 1 and 4094 for the Internal VLAN.
This will cause the access point to send DHCP requests with the VLAN tag. The switch and the
DHCP server must support
frames. The access point must be able to reach
the DHCP server.
Check with the Administrator regarding the VLAN and DHCP configurations.
Table 12.4 Ethernet Settings For Internal LAN