Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual C-31
Appendix C: Security Settings On Wireless Clients And RADIUS Server Setup
Configuring An External RADIUS Server To Recognize The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway
The purpose of this procedure is to identify your 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway as a
“client” to the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server can then handle auth enti cat ion
and authorization of wireless clients for the AP . This proc edure is required per
access point. If you have more than one access point with which you plan to use an
external RADIUS server, you need to follow these steps for each of those APs.
Keep in mind that the information you need to provide to the RADIUS server about
the access point corresponds to settings on the access point (Security) and vice
versa. You should have already provided the RADIUS server IP Address to the AP;
in the steps that follow you will provide the access point IP address to the RADIUS
server. The RADIUS Key provided on the AP is the “shared secret” you will
provide to the RADIUS server.
Note: The RADIUS server is identified by its IP address and UDP port numbers
for the different services it provides. On the current release of the 9160
G2 Wireless Gateway, the RADIUS server User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) ports used by the access point are not configur abl e. (The 9160 G2
Wireless Gateway is hard-coded to use RADIUS server UDP port 1812
for authentication and port 1813 for accounting.)