Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual C-27
Appendix C: Security Settings On Wireless Clients And RADIUS Server Setup
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise (RADIUS) Client Using EAP-TLS Certificate
1. Configure the foll owing set tings on the Association tab on the Network
Properties dialog.
2. Configure these setti ngs on the Authentication tab.
3. Click Properties to b rin g up t he Smart Card or other Certificate Prop-
erties dialog and enable the Validate server certifica te opti on.
Click OK on all dialogs to close and save your changes.
4. To complete the client configuration you must now obtain a certificate
from the RADIUS server and install it on this client. For information on
how to do this see “Obtaining A TLS-EAP Certificate For A Client” on
page C-34.
Logging On To The Wireless Network With A WPA Client Using A CertificateWPA clients should now be able to connect to the access point using thei r TLS
certificates. The certificate you installed is used when you connect, so you will not
be prompted for logon information. The certificate is automatically sent to the
RADIUS server for authentication and authorization.
Network Authentication
Data Encryption
depending on how this option is configured on the access point.
Note: When the Cipher Suite on the access point is set to “Both”, the n TKIP cli-
ents with a valid TKIP key and AES clients with a valid CCMP (AES) key
associate with the access point. For more information, s e e On li ne He lp o n
the access point.
Table C.13 Association Settings
Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network
(click to check) this option.
EAP Type
Smart Card or other Certific ate
Table C.14 Authentication Settings
Validate Server Certificate
this option (click to che ck th e b o x) .
Certificates In the certificate list shown, select the
for this client.