Chapter 22: The 9160 G2 As Base Station
Radio Link Features Configuration Settings
242 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Expiration Period
This parameter dictates how long, in days, a particular radio address or terminal
number should be inactive, before the 9160 G2 declares it to be “expired”. An
expired address or terminal number may be reassigned to another radio or session.
Note: For this feature, it is recommended that you enable SNTP and to have an
SNTP server available for accurate expiration times. Automatic Terminal NumberA terminal number is assigned for every application session created in a terminal.
This number helps to uniquely identify all transmissions to and from that session.
Terminal numbers can be assigned automatically to application sessions. The con-
troller also provides a group number for use with TESS and ANSI sessions. Up to
five groups of terminal sessions can be defined, and each group can be given a dif-
ferent range of terminal numbers for automatic assignment. These ranges may not
overlap between groups.
These groups apply to TESS and ANSI sessions only. In the terminal, TESS or
ANSI terminal applications specify which group they belong to, and use the Auto-
matic Terminal Number assignment range that belongs to that group.
All other session types assume an Automatic Terminal Number assignment range of
1 to 3840, and do not use the “group” parameter. Non-ANSI and non-TESS emula-
tions that use Automatic Terminal Number assignment (for example, Remote Sock-
ets) must have their terminal range set starting from 1, and this range must be large
enough to accommodate all terminals.
The Radio Link Features screen provides several parameters for each Automatic
Terminal Number group: a range specified by a lower terminal number and an upper
terminal number, and a comment. The comment is a string of ASCII text that can be
used to describe the group.