Chapter 22: The 9160 G2 As Base Station
Connectivity Options: Base Station Mode
228 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
parameter must be compatible with other base stations and terminals in the system.
The RA1001A radio is available in either two level or four level modulation, provid-
ing baud rates of 4800 bps and 9600 bps, or 9600 bps an d 19200 bps, respectively.
The default setting for a two level modulation narrow band radio, operating at 9600
baud, is 23.
The default setting for a four level modulation narrow band radio, operating at
19200 baud, is 31.
Remote TxonRemote Txon accommodates the turn-on time of the radio in terminals (remotes). It
specifies the number of fill characters sent to the radio before real data is output.
Since this parameter is based on character times, the number is dependent on the
radio link baud rate.
The value assigned to the Remote Txon parameter must be consistent across all
terminals and base station equipment. The allowable value range is 3 to 60.
Important: This parameter should not be changed from its factory setting
without an understanding of the timing of the radio protocol.
Active ChannelThis parameter determines the operating radio channel of the 9160 G2. This makes
the channel available for channel searching by the terminals. The channel selected
must be one of those that have been configured with frequencies, as indicated on the
Narrow Band Radio Configuration Settings page. See Figure 22.4 on page 223 for
the list of associated channels and frequencies.