Chapter 24: Backing Up & Restoring Configuration
Saving The Current Configuration To A Backup File
254 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
24.3 Saving The Current Configuration To A Backup FileTo save a copy of the current settings on an access point to a backup conf igu rat ion
file (
1. Click the download configuration link.
A File Download or Open dialog is displayed.
2. Choose the Save option on this first dialog.
This brings up a file browser.
3. Use the file browser to navigate to the directory where you want to save
the file, and click OK to save the file.
You can keep the default file name (
) or rename the backup
file, but be sure to save the file with a
24.4 Restoring The Configuration From A Previously Saved FileTo restore the configuration on an access point to previously save d settings:
1. Select the backup configuration file you want to use, either by typing
the full path and file name in the Restore textbox or click Browse and
select the file.
(Only those files that were created with the Backup function and saved as
backup configuration files are valid to use with Restore; for examp le,
Important: It is only possible to restore the configuration file to a 9160 of the
same model as the one from which the configura t ion file was
For example, a 9160 G2 model “9160 Wireless Gateway” will not
restore a configuration file saved from a 9160 G2 model “9160
Wireless Gateway (Dual Radio)”.
2. Click the Restore button.
The access point will reboot.