Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 149
Chapter 14: Setting up Guest Access
Understanding The Guest Interface
Out-of-the-box Guest Interface features allow you to configure the 9160 G2 Wire-
less Gateway for controlled guest access to an isolated network. You can configure
the same access point to broadcast and function as two different wireless networks:
a secure “Internal” LAN and a public “Guest” network. Guest clients can access th e
guest network without a username or password. When guests log in, they see a guest
Welc ome screen (also known as a “captive portal”).
14.1 Understanding The Guest InterfaceYou can define unique parameters for guest connectivity and i sola te g uest clients
from other more sensitive areas of the network.
Important: No security is provided on the guest network;
only plain-text security mode is allowed.
Simultaneously, you can configure a secure internal network ( using the s ame access
point as your guest interface) that provides full access to protected information
behind a firewall and requires secure login or certificates for access.
You can configure an 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway f or the Guest interface by using a
single network with VLANs by setting up the guest interface configuration options
on the Administration Web pages for the 9160 G2 Wirel ess Gateway. (Fo r details on
how to set up this type of guest interface, see “Configuring A Guest Network On A
Virtual LAN” on page150.
Notes: This method leverages multiple BSSID and Virtual LAN (VLAN) technol-
ogies that are built-in to the 9160 G2 Wireles s Gateway. The Internal and
Guest networks are implemented as multiple BSSIDs on the same access
point, each with different network names (SSIDs) on the Wireless inter-
face and different VLAN IDs on the Wired interface.
On a two-radio access point, the Guest Management and Login settings
apply to both Radio One and Radio Two.