Chapter 11: Maintenance And Monitoring
Events Log
124 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
11.2.2 Events Log
The Events Log shows system events on the access point such as stations associat-
ing, being authenticated, and other occurrences. The real-time Events Log is always
shown on the Status, Events Administration Web UI page for the acc ess point you
are monitoring.
11.3 Transmit/Receive StatisticsTo view transmit/receive statistics for a particular access poi nt, navi gate to Status >
Transmit/Receive on the Administration W eb pag es f or t h e ac cess point you want
to monitor.
Note: The following figure shows the Transmit/Receive page for a two-radio
AP. The Administration Web page for the one-radio AP will look
slightly different.