Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 165
Chapter 16: Configuring 802.11 Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Settings
16.3 Configuring Radio SettingsField Description
The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway is available as a one-radio or two-radio access point.
One-Radio AP:
If you have a one-radio version of the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway, this field is not inc luded on the Radio
Two-Radio AP:
If you have a two-radio version of the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway, specify
Radio One
Radio Two
On a two-radio AP, the rest of the settings on this tab ap ply to the ra dio selecte d in this field. Be sure to
configure settings for both radios .
Status (On/Off)
Specify whether you want the radio on or off by clicking
The Mode defines the Physical Layer (
) standard being used by the radio.
The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway is available as a single or dual-band access point.
Single-Band AP:
For the Single-Band access point, select one of these modes:
•IEEE 802.11b
• IEEE 802.11g
Dual-Band AP:
For the Dual-Band access point, select one of these modes.
•IEEE 802.11b
• IEEE 802.11g
•IEEE 802.11a
Note: If you have a two-radio AP, different modes may available depending on wheth er
Radio One or Radio Two is selected in the Radio field above.
When you select the radio Mode, the appropriate set of Basi c and Supported Rates
for that Mode is automatically selected. (See description of Rate Sets further down
in this table, on page 168.)
Super AG
Enabling Super AG provides better performance by increasing radio throughput for a radio mode
(IEEE 802.11b, g, a, and so on). Keep in mind that, with Super AG enabled, the access point
transmissions will consume more bandwidth.
• To enable Super AG click Enabled.
• To disable Super AG click Disabled.
Table 16.1 Radio Settings