Chapter 18: Load Balancing
Specifying Limits For Utilization And Client Associations
178 Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
18.1.2 Specifying Limits For Utilization And Client Associations
You can correct for imbalances in network AP utilization b y enab lin g loa d balanc-
ing and setting limits on utilization rates and number of client associations allowed
per access point.
18.1.3 Load Balancing And QoS
Load balancing also plays a part in contributing to Quality of Service (QoS) for
Voice Over IP (VoIP) and other such time-sensitive appl ica ti ons co mpe ting for
bandwidth and timely access to the air waves on a wireless network. For more infor-
mation about configuring your network for QoS, see Chapter 19: “Quality of
Service (QoS)”.
18.2 Navigating To Load Balancing SettingsOn the Administration UI, navigate to the Manage > Load Balancing tab, and
update the fields as described in the next section.