Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 193
Chapter 19: Quality of Service (QoS)
Enabling/Disabling Wi-Fi Multimedia
19.2.2 Enabling/Disabling Wi-Fi MultimediaBy default, Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) is enabled on the access point. With WMM
enabled, QoS prioritization and coordination of wireless medium access is on. With
WMM enabled, QoS settings on the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway control downstream
traffic flowing from the access point to client station (AP EDCA parameters) and the
upstream traffic flowing from the station to the access point (station EDCA parameters).
Contention Window)
This parameter is input to the algorithm that determines the initial random backoff wait time
(“window”) for retry of a tra nsmission.
The value specified here in the Minimum Contention Window is the upper limit (in milliseconds)
of a range from which the initial random backoff wait time is determined.
The first random number generated will be a number between 0 and the number specified here.
If the first random backoff wait time expires before the data frame is sent, a retry counter is incre-
mented and the random backoff value (window) is doubled. Doubling will continue until the size of
the random backoff value reaches the number defined in the Maximum Contention Window.
Valid values for the “
” are
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511
, or
For more information, see “Random Backoff And Minimum/Maximum Contention Windows ” on
Contention Window)
The value specified here in the Maximum Contention Window is the upper lim it (in millisecond s)
for the doubling of the random backoff value. This doubling continues until either the data frame
is sent or the Maximum Contention Window size is reached.
Once the Maximum Contention Window size is reached, retries will continue until a maximum
number of retries allowed is reached.
Valid values for the “
” are
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511
, or
For more information, see “Random Backoff And Minimum/Maximum Contention Windows ” on
Max. Burst Length
AP EDCA Parameter Only
(The Max. Burst Length applies only to traffic flowing from the
access point to the client station.)
This value specifies (in milliseconds) the Maximum Burst Length allowed for packet bur sts on the
wireless network. A packet burst is a collection of multiple f rames transmitted without header
information. The decreased overhead results in higher throughput and bet ter performance.
Valid values for maximum burst length are
For more information, see “Packet Bursting For Better Performance” on page188.
Field Description