softkey 69

soft keyboard icon 70 softkeys 69

soft keyboard (onscreen) 74

soft keyboard icon (softkey bar) 70 softkeys (softkey bar) 69

Soft Scan Timeout 197 Sound, setting events 106 Sound settings 106 specifications

for WORKABOUT PRO 297 SE 955 scanner 312 802.11g 302

Start/Stop Transmit 155, 171, 177

Start button 54 Start Menu 64

customising 65 customizing 105 Storage Card tab 121

Strip Leading 137, 138

Strip Start/Stop Chars 149

Strip Trailing 137, 138

stylus (touch pen), using 53 Suffix 133

Suffix Char 136, 138

Summit Client Utility (SCU) 17 super high-capacity battery pack

(WA3010) 308

Supp. Redundancy (Code 128) 141 Supplementals (UPC-EAN) 140

Suspend Threshold tab 125 swap time (for battery) 35


target dot, duration of 130 task

completed (marking as) 60 creating 59

deleting 60 editing 60 notification 59 sorting 60

TCP_IP Settings (modem setup) 216

Telepen 159, 182

Terminal Services Client


session, disconnecting (without ending) 262

session, ending 263 tether port pinout B-1




Block Recognizer

entering 73


Letter Recognizer

soft keyboard entry


transcriber, using 74 title bar (navigation bar) 54 TLC-39162

Today’s Screen (desktop screen) 53 appearance of 107

Items (to appear in screen) 108 Total Recall 200

backup profile, creating 201 backup profile, restoring 203

touch pen, using 53 touchscreen

calibrating 44 stylus, using 53 touch pen, using 53

touchscreen, aligning (calibrating) 44 Transcriber

Inking 101

quick settings 101 Transcriber (Input Methods tab) 101 Transcriber, using 74

Translations parameters (bar codes) 197 Transmit Check Digit 172, 174, 175,

176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182

Transmit Check Digit (I 2 of 5) 144

Transmit Check Digit (MSI Plessey)

143, 144


Transmit Code 1D Char


Transmit Number System

153, 154, 175,



trigger mappings 117


Trigger Press Type, Manage Triggers

menu 120


Trioptic Code 39 150


Trioptic Code 39, Enable


troubleshooting tips (scanning) 291


Unicode Mapping 94

Up_Down tab (scrolling adjustments) 90 UPC A 139, 152, 175, 190

UPC-A Check Digit 139

UPC-A Preamble 139

UPC E 139, 153, 175, 191


UPC-EAN Shared Settings 154, 176

WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual


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Image 359
Psion Teklogix ISO 9001 user manual Transmit Code 1D Char