6. Auto reset durationUser mode 6
As a default setting, the copier will reset itself 1 minute after the final copy is made or after the last time any key is pressed. If a 1 minute reset time is not appropriate, you can change this time.
Default: 1 minute (Number: 0)
Setting | 1 minute | 3 minutes | Off |
Number | 0 | 1 | 2 |
7. Counter up/down |
| User mode 7 | |
The copy counter can be set to show the number of copies made (count up) or the number of copies remaining to be made (count down).
Default: Up (Number: 0)
S e t t i n g | U p | Down |
| ||
N u m b e r | 0 |
| 1 |
8. Total copy counter |
| User mode 8 | ||
You can check the total number of copies made.
How to check the total copy counter:
Access user tool number “8”. You will find the first two digits of the total copy quantity (configured in six digits) are displayed on the copy counter.
• Example: When 12345 copies are made, “8 1” is displayed on the copy counter.
• For the first two digits, the left image density indicator is lit.