Apple/OSX users:
Follow these steps to access the web page:
1.Launch the Safari web browser. Because SoundBridge uses the Bonjour protocol (formerly known as Rendezvous), the device automatically announces itself.
2.In Safari, be sure you have your bookmark list showing. If it is not showing, go to the Bookmark menu and select Show All Bookmarks.
3.Click on the Bonjour option in the bookmark list to reveal your SoundBridge. If more than one device is connected, they will be named SoundBridge, SoundBridge (2), and so on.
The web page includes four tabs:
Now Playing
Allows for control of playback of current music selection, including Pause, Play, Next/Previous Track, Stop, Repeat and Shuffle. You can also change the volume level.
On this page, you can: | 7 |
-Specify up to eighteen of your favorite music selections, such as Internet radio streams, search results, or Playlists, to be stored in your Presets. (See p 26 for more info about Presets.)
-Change the name of a preset.
-Click and drag the “Move” button to change the order of items in your Preset list.
-Press the “Play” button to play a preset item on your SoundBridge.
Why eighteen presets? Roku’s new
If you experience problems with playback of an Internet radio stream you copied from a web browser, make sure that copied the correct URL. Usually, an MP3 stream URL ends with the
Section 7: SoundBridge Web Interface | 39 |