Shooting in the dark

5Press [o] to save your settings.

￿￿Adjusting the flash intensity may not be effective if: -￿the subject is too close to the camera

-￿you set a high ISO sensitivity

-￿the exposure value is too big or too small

￿￿In some shooting modes, you cannot use this function.

Adjusting the ISO sensitivity p A h M

The ISO sensitivity is the measure of a film’s sensitivity to light as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The higher ISO sensitivity you select, the more sensitive to light your camera becomes. Use a higher ISO sensitivity to capture better photos and reduce camera shake when not using the flash.

1In Shooting mode, press [m].

2Select ISO.

3Select an option.

￿￿Selectto use an appropriate ISO sensitivity based on the brightness of the subject and lighting.

Higher ISO sensitivities may result in more image noise.

Shooting options 72