Capturing still images while recording a video T p A h M s i g

You can capture still images while recording a video without switching to the photo shooting modes (up to 6 photos).




Rotate the mode dial to p, G, s, i, g or T. Press(Video recording) to start recording.

Press [Shutter] to capture images.

￿￿When you pause video recording, you cannot capture still images by pressing [Shutter].

￿￿Captured images will be saved automatically.

￿￿Captured images will be automatically resized, depending on the size of the recorded video.

￿￿The quality of images captured while recording a video may be lower than those captured normally.

￿￿This feature may not be supported in some modes.

Images captured while recording a video4Press(Video recording) again to stop recording.

Shooting options 89