zSession Name: - Enter the name for the session to be saved or loaded.
zLoad / Save / Delete: - For loading, saving or deleting a saved session from memory.
It is possible to select/create a new/existing mount point using the Control Centre dialog boxes itself. The process is described here along with figures.
zFirst the IP address of the NFS server is given.
zIt automatically lists all the directories shared on that NFS server which can be seen like this.
zThen the directory where the share has to be mounted is selected.
zThen a new empty directory is created and named accordingly.
zThen the folder created is selected and then it becomes the new mount point, where the NFS share directory will be mounted.
Save NFS Mount Settings
Enter a name to save the NFS settings and click "Save" to save the settings.
Load NFS Mount Settings
Select the saved settings to be loaded. Click "Load" to load the settings.
Delete NFS Settings
Select the saved settings to be deleted. Click "Delete" to delete the settings.
Modify NFS Mount
Click "Modify..." to open the "Modify NFS Mount"
Delete NFS Mount
Click "Delete" to open the "Remove NFS Mount"
The Samba, or SMB, protocol is very useful because it is used by Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000 and Window XP to share disks and printers. So as Unix (including Linux) can also handle this protocol with the Samba suite tools, it is possible to share disks and printers with Windows hosts.
So it is possible on the Thin Client to mount SMB shares from Windows or Unix Samba hosts. The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is only used for sharing files over the network (no printers). It is necessary that the shares you want to mount be created on the Windows or Unix host first!
Add Samba Mount
Click "Add..." to open the "Add Samba Mount"
zServer: - For a Windows host, the NetBIOS name has to be entered here. In the case of a Unix samba host, the host name or IP address is to be entered.
zUser Name: - Enter the user name of your account on the Windows or Unix samba host.
zPassword: - Enter the password of your account on the Windows or Unix samba host.
zDomain: - Enter domain name of your account on the Windows or Unix samba host.
zDirectory: - Enter directory name as it is exported by the Windows or Unix samba host.
zMount Point: - Specify the "Mount Point" where the share should be mounted in local file system of the Thin Client.
zPermission: - Enter the permission for Samba Mount to be