Samsung VP-D371/XEE Instalarea programului DV Media PRO, ÀÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡Ì ̇ DV Media PRO ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡

Models: VP-D372WH/XEE VP-D375W/XEE VP-D371W/XEE VP-D371/XEE VP-D371/XEO

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ROM Interfafla USB


(numai VP-D375W(i)/D975W(i))

(VP-D375W(i)/D975W(i) Ò‡ÏÓ)


Instalarea programului DV Media PRO

Pentru a reda filme înregistrate cu camera video sau pentru a transfera date prin conexiunea USB cætre un PC, trebuie instalat programul Video Codec.

Nu conectafli camera la un PC înainte de a instala programul.

Dacæ este conectatæ altæ cameræ video sau un scaner, deconectafli în prealabil acest dispozitiv.

Aceastæ explicaflie este oferitæ pentru sistemul de operare Windows® 2000.

Manualul de utilizare pentru DV Media Pro este furnizat pe CD (D:/help/) øi este în format PDF (Portable Document Format). (Acrobat Reader este un produs freeware, oferit de AdobeSystems,Inc.) Manualul de utilizare pentru DV Media Pro este în limba englezæ.

Instalarea programului

1.Introducefli CD-ul cu software în unitatea CD-ROM a calculatorului.

Este afiøat ecranul de selectare a instalærii.

2.Dacæ ecranul de selectare a instalærii nu este afiøat dupæ introducerea CD-ului, facefli clic pe “Run” din meniul “Start” din Windows øi executafli fiøierul Autorun.exe pentru a începe instalarea. Dacæ unitatea CD-ROM este setatæ la “D:drive”, tastafli “D:/autorun.exe” øi apæsafli tasta Enter.

3.Facefli clic pe pictogramele listate mai jos pentru a instala software- ul selectat.

Facefli clic pe DV Driver

-Driverul pentru cameræ PC øi transmisiune prin USB (driverul de capturæ)

-Conectafli camera video la PC pentru a finaliza instalarea DV Driver.

1)Aceastæ funcflie este activæ numai în modul Camera.

2)Conectafli camera video la PC utilizând cablul USB.

3)Va începe instalarea driverului de capturæ SAMSUNG A/V pe PC.

Facefli clic pe DirectX 9.0

Facefli clic pe Video Codec

Programul Video Codec trebuie instalat pentru a putea reda filmele (stocate pe cardul de memorie) pe un PC sau pentru a utiliza funcfliile de transmisie prin USB/cameræ PC.

àÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡Ì ̇ DV Media PRO ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡

ᇠ‰‡ ‚˙ÁÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÚ ͇‰Ë ÓÚ Í‡ÏÂ‡Ú‡, Úfl·‚‡ ‰‡ ËÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡Ú ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏËÚ ÔÓ„ÏË Á‡ ÚÓ‚‡.

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‡ÍÓ Ò‡ Ò‚˙Á‡ÌË ‡Á΢ÌË Û‰Ë, ‡Á͇˜ÂÚ „Ë.

íÓ‚‡ Ó·flÒÌÂÌË  ·‡ÁË‡ÌÓ Ì‡ Windows® 2000 OS.

DV Media Pro ËÌÒÚÛ͈ËflÚ‡  ‰ÓÒÚ˙Ô̇ Í˙Ï CD(D:/help/) ‚ PDF ÙÓχÚ.


àÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡Ì ̇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡

1.èÓÒÚ‡‚ÂÚ CD ‚ CD-ROM ̇ ÍÓÏÔ˛Ú˙‡ ‚Ë.

Installation selection screen appears.

2.ÄÍÓ ÂÍ‡Ì‡ Á‡ ËÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì Ò ÔÓfl‚Ë ÒΉ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚flÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ‰ËÒ͇, ÍÎËÍÌÂÚ “Run” ÓÚ Windows “Start” ÏÂÌ˛ÚÓ Ë ÒÚ‡ÚË‡ÈÚ Autorun.exe. àÁ·ÂÂÚ ÏflÒÚÓÚÓ Á‡ ËÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡ÌÂ Ë Ì‡ÚËÒÌÂÚ Enter.


DV Driver Click


-ë‚˙ÊÂÚ ͇ÏÂ‡Ú‡ Í˙Ï ÍÓÏÔ˛Ú˙ Á‡ ‰‡ Á‡‚˙¯ËÚ ËÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡ÌÂÚÓ.

1)îÛÌ͈ËflÚ‡ ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ÂÊËÏ Í‡ÏÂ‡.

2)ë‚˙ÊÂÚ Û‰‡ Í˙Ï ÍÓÏÔ˛Ú˙ Ò USB ͇·ÂÎ.


DirectX 9.0

Video Codec

Video Codec Úfl·‚‡ ‰‡ Ò ËÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡ Á‡ ‰‡ ‚˙ÁÔÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡Ú ÙËÎÏË (Á‡Ô‡ÁÂÌË ‚ ÏÂÏÓË Í‡Ú‡Ú‡) ̇ ÍÓÏÔ˛Ú˙ ËÎË ‰‡ ËÁÔÓÎÁ‚‡Ú USB Streaming/PC Camera ÙÛÌ͈ËËÚÂ.


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Samsung VP-D371/XEE Instalarea programului DV Media PRO, ÀÌÒÚ‡ÎË‡Ì ̇ DV Media PRO ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡, Àìòú‡Îë‡Ìâ ̇ Ôó„‡Ï‡Ú‡

VP-D372WH/XEE, VP-D375W/XEE, VP-D371W/XEE, VP-D371/XEE, VP-D371/XEO specifications

The Samsung VP-D371 and its variants, including the VP-D371/XEF, VP-D371/XEE, VP-D372WH/XEF, and VP-D375W/XEF, represent an impressive line of compact camcorders designed for casual videographers and enthusiasts alike. These models combine user-friendly features with advanced technology to deliver high-quality recording experiences.

One of the standout features of the VP-D371 series is its compact design. Lightweight and easy to handle, these camcorders are perfect for on-the-go recording, making them ideal for family events, vacations, and everyday moments. The ergonomic grip ensures comfort during extended use, while the intuitive button layout simplifies operation, allowing users to focus on capturing memories rather than fumbling with controls.

These camcorders are equipped with a 34x optical zoom lens, which allows users to capture distant subjects without sacrificing image quality. Whether recording a child’s soccer game or a scenic landscape, this zoom capability enhances versatility, enabling effective close-ups and wide shots alike. The VP-D371 series also boasts digital zoom options, offering additional flexibility when needed.

In terms of video quality, the VP-D371 models support a maximum resolution that delivers clear and vibrant footage, suitable for standard viewing on various platforms. The built-in image stabilization technology effectively reduces blurriness caused by camera shake, ensuring smoother video playback. This feature is particularly beneficial in dynamic settings where movement is inevitable.

These camcorders also include a range of recording modes, offering users the ability to customize their filming experience. With options for different lighting conditions and scene selections, from sports to night mode, these devices adapt to various environments, ensuring optimal results regardless of the situation.

The Samsung VP-D371 series includes integrated features like a color LCD screen for easy framing and playback, providing users with a straightforward interface to review their recordings. The built-in microphone captures audio clearly, adding depth to the visual experience.

Connectivity options, including USB ports, allow for easy transfer of video files to computers for editing and sharing. Supporting various media formats, these camcorders cater to different user needs, whether for personal enjoyment or more polished productions.

In summary, the Samsung VP-D371 and its variants excel in delivering an accessible, feature-rich camcorder experience. Combining strong zoom capabilities, image stabilization, and user-friendly design, these models stand out for individuals looking to document life's precious moments with ease and quality.