Setting Up the Wireless LAN Card for use with Windows
There are four steps to setting up the Wireless LAN Card for use with Windows XP/2000/NT/98/ME operating systems.
1.Insert the Wireless LAN Card product CD in your computer.
2.Select the Setup Utility and follow the installation instructions on the screen. Leave the product CD in the computer.
3.Insert the Wireless LAN Card in your computer.
4.Exit the Setup utility.
Since each operating system functions slightly in a different way, setup instructions are independently described for:
1.Installing the driver for the card.
2.Confirming the card is working.
3.Choosing a wireless network.
Before setting up the Wireless LAN Card, locate the Windows installation
Driver and Utility Versions
Driver Version 4.0.7
Utility Version 4.0.7
Updated versions of drivers and utilities can be downloaded from the SanDisk web site www.sandisk.com/connect