Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Address Labels

Models: Modicon Quantum Ethernet

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1.2.2Address Labels


Each Quantum Ethernet web embedded server module has two address labels.


One identifies the Ethernet or MAC address. The other label allows you to record


the module’s Internet Protocol (IP) network address.


The Ethernet address or MAC address is assigned at the factory and is recorded

Address Label

on a label on the front panel, above the cable connector. This is a unique 48-bit


global assigned address. It is set in PROM. The Ethernet address is recorded on


the label in hexadecimal, in the form 00.00.54.xx.xx.xx.


Internet Protocol

(IP) Network

Address Label

Figure 4 Global Address Label

The IP address comes from one of three places in the following order:

The configured address

zAn address from a BOOTP server Derived IP network address

You can use the derived address, which is calculated from the Ethernet address set by the factory. You can also configure a unique address via Modsoft or Concept. Throughout this book, these alternatives will be referred to as the derived IP network address and a user-configured address.

The IP network address has the form, where each group xxx is a decimal number from 0 to 255. A space is provided for recording this address on the label inside the front door panel of the module.

If you will be operating on an open network, you should opt for a user-configured address. Obtain a valid address from your network administrator.

If you will be operating on a local network, you may use the derived IP network address. However, you should check with your network administrator first to ensure that this address is not already in use.

To calculate the derived IP network address, convert the rightmost eight digits of the Ethernet address from hex to decimal. They will take the form, where each group xxx is a decimal number from 0 to 255.


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Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Address Labels, Internet Protocol IP Network Address Label