Ethernet Developers Guide
B.8 Timers
CSample_View requires to periodically receive a timer message. This message triggers the CSample_View to transmit a message. Since window timers are a limited resource, the window associated with CMainFrame class receives the timer messages. CMainFrame member AddTimerList function will place a window on its timer list. When CMainFrame processes the WM_TIMER message, it sends each window on its time list the user defined WM_POLL_INTERVAL message.
MFC calls CSample_View member OnInitalUpdate function when it is first being created. OnInitialUpdate calls CMainFrameís AddTimerList in order to receive the WM_POLL_INTERVAL message. MFC architectural framework calls CSample_View OnPollInterval member function to process this message.
B.9 Transaction Processing
CSample_View transaction processing consists of establishing a connection, transmitting the request, receiving the response, and displaying the response. CSample_View uses both a transmit and a receive state machine to advance a transaction.
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