Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Modbus Application Protocol Service Classes

Models: Modicon Quantum Ethernet

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Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol









Modbus Application Protocol PDU



Here are the values for a sample mbap_pdu for reading a register:




00 01 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 00 00 01



This example has the folowing structure and content:



inv_id 00 01





00 00




00 00











00 00 00 01


Modbus Application Protocol Service Classes



There are several classes of service that are part of the Modbus Application



Protocol. They include:

Data access

Read/write both discrete and analog data values from PLC register files.


Services make relatively minor alterations to ladder logic programs with a highly


controlled introduction of these changes into the executing program.

Image download/

Image download services support the downloading of a ladder logic control


program to the PLC. Image upload services support the uploading of a ladder logic



control program from a PLC to PC host for archival/backup purposes.


Configuration services allow the user to define parameter values which affect the



PLC’s register files, I/O map, communication port configuration and scan attributes,



to name a few.


Device execution

The class of service allows the user to start/stop the PLC scan execution. These

state control

services require the user to be in an application login context which is obtained



through other Modbus services.

840 USE 115 00 Version 1.0


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Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Modbus Application Protocol Service Classes